Focal Black & White

The focal B&W tool is great, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to choose more than one coloured focal point in an image?

Well, here's a great technique by "Mushroom and Gadgets" that may be able to resolve that:

  1. Choose a suitable image
  2. Go to the "Effects" tab and select "Focal B&W"
  3. Choose the area you want to remain in colour and click "Apply"
  4. Export the changed image to a new folder on your desktop
  5. Go back to the original image and select a new focal point, then export this as before.
  6. When you have done all the focal points you want to do, find the exported images folder in Picasa
  7. Select all the individual images and click the "Collage" button at the bottom of Picasa
  8. Choose the "Multi-Exposure" option and you should see all the images combined with various focal points still in colour
This doesnt work with all images and you will need to see what's best by trial and error.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a great article! I had wondered about the same ability to bring multiple focal points is. I will have to go play with this new advice!